A blog written as a member of the Connect Leadership Group
Effective collaboration and communication amongst leaders from businesses, non-
profits and public institutions can ultimately impact the economic, social, and cultural
development of communities around the world. And yet, the benefits and importance
of connecting have not been given the attention they deserve.
Here are four reasons why connecting across boundaries can be beneficial for all
stakeholders who are interested in creating an equitable ecosystem in healthcare.
Four Reasons to Connect
1. A Diverse Set of Perspectives
By bringing together leaders from different sectors, each with their own unique set of
skills and experiences, diverse perspectives can be shared, which can lead to
innovative approaches to problem-solving. This is especially important when facing
complex challenges such as economic inequality, environmental degradation, or
healthcare disparities.
I’ve seen this first hand in a project that brought different institutions together to
collaborate with the community they serve and have a safe, open and honest
conversation about issues the community experienced. The collaboration enabled
me to forge new relationships within the institutions and the community. Participants
(professionals and community members) were able to bounce off each other, sharing
experiences and co-designing innovative ways to correct past wrongs.
When leaders come together, they can leverage each other's strengths and
expertise to co-design solutions more effectively than if they were working alone.
2. Strengthening Networks
Connecting with leaders from other sectors can help to expand a leader's
professional network, which can be beneficial for future collaborations, career
growth, and personal development.
I am writing this blog as a member of the Connect Leadership Group. We are 11
leaders from across sectors who have come together with a shared purpose, to
develop a thriving community of system leaders in south east London.
By connecting, we are building relationships with one another that are sparking
opportunities for partnership, joint ventures, and cross-sector initiatives. Equally, I
would not have been able to become aware or have the opportunity to join the
‘Connect leadership group’ if not for my network and relationship building through my
community engagement work.
Hence, connecting to strengthen networks can open new possibilities for leaders
looking to develop and create change in their communities.
3. Breaking Down Silos
Connecting system leaders from various sectors helps to break down silos, which
can otherwise prevent effective communication and hinder collaborative efforts. By
breaking down these barriers, leaders can leverage their collective power to address
a range of societal issues.
Whether reducing poverty levels, improving access to quality education, or
enhancing sustainability practices, connecting with other like-minded leaders,
understanding what they are doing and aligning shared goals can help coordinate
efforts to achieve faster results and make a greater impact on society.
4. Facilitating Innovation
Finally, connecting system leaders from various sectors is critical for facilitating
innovation. When leaders work together to share knowledge, resources, and
experience, they can create new ideas for solutions.
In the Connect Leadership Group, we deliberately set aside time to leverage our
different experiences and expertise. Using a peer-to-peer consulting exercise, each
member of the group shares challenges encountered in their various fields with an
expectation of getting support and recommendation from the team. Doing helps us to
see our challenges from a different perspective and to notice possibilities that hadn’t
occurred before.
In conclusion, we need to connect professionals from various sectors; to make the
most of diverse perspectives, create developmental networks that spark new
possibilities, break down silos and facilitate innovation.
The Connect System Leadership Community is about investing in connection,
creating a safe space for leaders to share knowledge, learn and work together
towards creating a kinder, more equitable health and care system. There will be
many opportunities to get involved through community events and activities over the
coming year.
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